Wednesday 29 August 2012

Back from Outer Space AKA South London

So after 5 years of cyber-silence, I am back with a new blog. Blogging has changed since my days as a young blogger all those many years ago. There are many blogs out on the internet now. Some quite flashy ones run by very suave attractive stay-at-home mothers who seem to bake professional-looking cakes, while writing about the latest adorable thing their eloquent 2 year old has just done and sewing giant eclectic patchwork quilts that would not look out of place in a museum.

I don't believe it. I think these blogs are fake. Or at least dressing the truth up to look beautiful. I honestly don't think a 2 year old can be eloquent. And this is coming from someone who apparently, according to my mother, started talking at 7 months. Seriously what does a child at that age have to say? And all those cake pictures on the internet, does anyone actually believe those are baked by amateurs? I can tell the difference between a genuinely baked cake made at 2am (because you started baking at 11.00pm) by a harassed office worker and a 5 tier rainbow cake made by a professional pastry chef who has a spacious kitchen and several assistants to clean up the eggshell from the floor.

I promise, that in this blog, I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As I see it anyway. You have to allow me to have my opinion, as ridiculous as it may be. Before I begin on this journey of written self abuse, I just want to lay out the following points:

1. My kitchen is small. Yesterday while cooking dinner (pasta - the simplest dish known to man), I burnt myself, broke a saucepan lid and squirted tomato seeds into my eye. Far from baking well, I am just glad if whatever I take out of the oven has not turned black or on fire.

2. I don't have a two year old. And if I did, I am sure my child, although being very special and a miracle to me, would probably just look like a regular kid to the rest of the world.

3. My new sewing machine, if it could talk, would tell a long tale of woe about how it has sewed nothing but monstrosities for the last month, least of all a quilt.

Oh...and in London, it is currently raining...

Welcome to the Real World....

1 comment:

  1. Very glad to see you're back! Do not despair about the sewing machine; you have to learn to crawl before you can walk -- oh, I forgot, you actually learned to walk before you crawled, didn't you?
    I burned out a pan myself recently; two beetroots were completely vaporized leaving behind some smelly ashes.
    Looking forward to more of your thoughts ....
